IMPORTANT: Please pay close attention to the deadlines, particularly those related to applications. For certain applications, we are unable to accept late submissions, and some may be due earlier than expected.

The deadlines can be found here.


Applications for the September 2025 programmes are now open (click here to apply).


**What do the different education systems mean?**

In response to new needs, the Deák Institute is expanding its training delivery: you can choose between fully face-to-face, or partly online programmes. Our 2025 September programmes are partly online, except for Tort Law and Competition Law (both in Hungarian only), which are fully face-to-face.


1) Blended learning (all 2025 September programmes, except for Tort Law and Competition Law)

Some of the training days (the number of which varies from programme to programme, approximately 8-12 days per semester) will be attendance-only, i.e. classes will be attended in person only on these days, and some will be online-only, i.e. classes will be followed live on these days via a scheduled interactive online stream.

  • On attendance days, there will be no online streaming: attendance in person is compulsory.
  • On the online days, the interactive streaming will take place via MS Teams. The lessons will not be recorded (so they cannot be viewed later) but will be exclusively live, according to the timetable. Online participation counts as full class participation and is subject to the general rules for participation. The course instructor may impose certain requirements for online participation: e.g. turning on the camera, active participation in the class.
  • All exams (if any) are strictly attendance-only (face-to-face). However, in most of our courses the grades can be acquired during the active part of the semester, e.g. by assignments, thus replacing many exams.


2) Fully face-to-face

In this mode, all classes (the number of which varies from programme to programme, about 8-12 days per semester) will be in person at the PPKE Law Faculty; exams will also be in person. Classes are not broadcast online.


**When can I expect to know if I have been accepted?**
The decision to commence or cancel a specific program is contingent on various factors, including the number of applicants. Therefore, we are unable to provide definitive or probable information until the Faculty officially makes a determination. For programs commencing in February, you can expect a decision in early January. For September programs, notifications will be made by late July. In some cases, application deadlines may be extended. Applicants will always be notified via email.


**Outcomes of Non-Acceptance**  
If a program has not started, or if you are unsuccessful in a program requiring an entrance exam, you will have the opportunity to re-enroll in one of our other programs that are scheduled to begin. We anticipate re-advertising the program in February and September of the following year.


**Acceptance Procedures**  
All accepted candidates will receive an email notification of their acceptance shortly after the decision is made. The registration period in Neptun will commence in late August or January. For further details on enrollment procedures, please refer to the later sections of this page.


**Withdrawal and Transfer Procedures**  
If you wish to withdraw from your enrollment, please contact your education coordinator (whose contact details will be provided in your enrollment notification) via email. If you wish to enroll in another program, please reach out to your education coordinator and submit a new application through our application form.


**Initial Steps Following Acceptance**  
The earliest deadlines for certain applications occur at the beginning of September or February. It is advisable to check the deadlines in August or January for enrollment, which can be found here. You can find comprehensive information regarding enrollment procedures further down on this page, including online and in-person enrollment, payment, applications, admissions, and related tasks.


Initial Tasks Upon Program Enrolment

At the start of the training program, please complete the following tasks:

1. Verify that your personal information is accurate in the university's Neptun system. If your enrollment form details are correct and align with your valid documents, print the form in one copy and the study contract in two copies.
2. Submit any applications by the specified deadline.
3. Register for active status on Neptun for the first semester, once the registration period opens.
4. Enroll in courses on Neptun, after the enrollment period has commenced.
5. Complete your in-person enrolment at the Deák Institute at a time convenient for you, no later than the relevant deadline.
6. Ensure that your tuition fee has been paid—whether by yourself, a third party, or through a shared payment—by the payment deadline(s).

Further details are provided below.


1. Neptun System

You will manage the majority of your university-related tasks within the Neptun Unified Study System. Access the PPKE Neptun student interface here:

- You will receive your Neptun code (i.e., login name) via email shortly after your admission decision.
- If you have not previously accessed Neptun, your initial password will be "Ne" followed by your date of birth in the format yyyymmddd (e.g., Ne19991231). Please change your default password immediately upon logging in. If you have previously accessed Neptun at PPKE, your prior password will still be valid. If you have forgotten your password, a reset link is provided at the login page.

For those who have completed a course at our university, only previous course details will be visible upon re-entry into Neptun. You can switch between courses in the top left corner of the Neptun interface. For technical assistance with Neptun, please refer to the login site.


2. Timetable

Courses will be held at either the PPKE JÁK Faculty (1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28.) or the PPKE BTK Sophianum Building (1088 Budapest, Mikszáth tér 1.). Your education coordinator will send the timetable no later than the beginning of September/February.


3. Important Deadlines and Applications

It is crucial to be aware of the deadlines that apply to you before the start of the academic year. Please refer to our website for a comprehensive table detailing all semester deadlines.

In particular, please note the deadlines for applications (e.g., credit recognition, installment payments, deferment, payment by employer, etc.). Some applications must be submitted through the Neptun system, which does not accommodate missed deadlines.


4. Data Verification in Neptun

Before printing your enrollment form in one copy and study contract in two copies, please review it in Neptun under Information / General Forms to ensure the data is accurate. It is imperative that this information matches your documents exactly, character for character.

If you change your email address or phone number, please update your details in Neptun under My Details / Contact Details. We recommend avoiding workplace email systems that may be overly restrictive or unreliable free email services. Most communications, including study assignments, will be sent via email, so it is essential to have a reliable email address.

If you identify discrepancies in your document information that you cannot correct in Neptun, please email the correct details to your education coordinator or our central office to ensure they are amended prior to enrollment, allowing you to print an accurate enrollment form.

If you have previously completed a program at our university, you will only see your past course details in Neptun upon re-entry. Within Neptun, you can switch between courses in the top left corner.

Please print and sign your enrollment form and the copies of the study contract with the correct details. By signing, you also confirm that you have read the Academic Information for the academic year 2024/2025 and the Fire and Safety at Work material for students.


5. Neptun Registration and Enrolment

You will need to confirm your intent to enroll both in Neptun and on paper during September/February (please note the exact deadlines on our website). Both paper and electronic enrolment are required; failure to complete either will result in the cancellation of your registration. If you do not enrol, your semester will be classified as passive, with a status of "Not enroled" for the first semester, meaning you will not have legal student status.

The enrolment process includes registration for the program and enrolment in courses via the Neptun system. You will register for the first semester in Neptun under Administration - Enrolment/Registration. During the registration period, you will need to select whether you are enrolling with active or passive status for the desired academic semester. Note that you cannot choose passive status during your first semester.

If you wish to modify your pending registration (for example, changing from "active" to "passive" status), you can do so until the end of the registration period by selecting "Modify Status" in the "Options" menu within the "Registration" section for the relevant semester.


6. Personal Enrolment

Personal enrollment will take place at the Deák Institute (located on the first floor of the main building of the Faculty, address: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28.) during the Institute's operating hours, which are weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 during the enrolment period. No prior appointment is necessary. Failure to register in person will result in your inability to attend the program. Online registration, postal registration, etc., cannot substitute for in-person registration.

To ensure a complete enrolment, please bring the following documents with you:

1. A printed copy of your enrolment form, accurately reflecting your documents, signed, and free of errors (if we must correct and reprint your form with discrepancies on-site, this will delay the enrolment process for others).
2. Two printed copies of your study contract, signed (available for printing in Neptun under Information / General Forms; you will receive a signed copy from the university later).
3. Original identity documents: identity card, address card, tax card, and social security card (all four are required if applicable; no copies are requested).
4. Your original diploma (for law training, this includes your law degree) and a clear photocopy (we cannot waive the presentation of the original diploma or a certified copy in any case; this is essential as your future LL.M. degree will be issued based on your original degree, and admission is contingent on its accuracy and validity).
5. A passport-sized photograph.


7. Payment of Tuition Fees

The university will issue invoices for your tuition fees via Neptun after the enrolment period concludes. There are two payment methods:

- If you are paying as an individual, you must do so via credit/debit card through Neptun.
- If a third party (e.g., employer) is covering all or part of your tuition fees, both you and the third party will receive an invoice from the university, based on the invoice request you submit in Neptun. The invoice will be available for download from Neptun once issued.

The Finance Department will commence issuing invoices (for both individuals and third-party payments) in mid-September/February.

The tuition fee deadline for both individuals and third-party payers is listed among our deadlines. If this deadline is not met, it will be extended by one week, which will also serve as the deadline for the payment of a late fee. No further extensions will be permitted, even for third-party payments (e.g., by your employer). Please ensure that your employer is aware of the deadline and is able to meet it, allowing them to download the invoice from Neptun in a timely manner.

As a private individual, be aware that a common issue with credit card payments is that transactions may fail due to insufficient payment limits. We recommend checking your payment limits before attempting to process the payment.


8. Regulations

Dear Student, please review the Study and Examination Regulations available on our website:


Frequently Asked Questions

**What documents are required for personal registration?**
For personal registration, we only require the documents listed above (one copy of the registration form; two copies of the study contract; identity card, proof of address, tax identification card, and social security card if applicable; original diploma and its photocopy; one passport-sized photo). We do not require language proficiency certificates, additional diplomas, or high school graduation records.


**Why is in-person registration necessary?** 
We are obligated to record your data, including previous qualifications, in our official Neptun system, regulated by law. To ensure authenticity, we must see your original documents and diploma.


**What is the deadline for in-person registration?**  
We kindly ask you to complete in-person registration during the designated enrolment period. No appointment is necessary; you are welcome anytime during our opening hours (9:00-16:00 on weekdays).


**My employer will cover all or part of the tuition fee. What should I do?**  
In this case, you need to request an invoice from our university's financial department for the portion that the third party will cover. The form can be found in Neptun under number 401. During the application process, you must also upload the paper form signed by the third party (available through the link at the top of the request form in Neptun).

Invoices will begin to be issued in the middle of September/February. To ensure timely processing and payment, please keep in touch with your employer regarding their willingness to cover the tuition fees, and share the relevant deadlines and instructions with them.


**Missed Deadline for Third-Party Payment Request:**  
If you have missed the deadline for submitting your third-party payment request, you may submit a fee-charging request to modify the invoice through the Neptun system (subject to a fee) (Form Number: 402).


**Changing Payment Method:**  
If you would like to change your payment method (for example, switching from an invoice to payment as a private individual), please submit a fee-charging request for invoice modification in Neptun (subject to a fee) (Form Number: 402).


**Payment Without a Bank Card:**  
For private individuals, payments can only be made via bank card through the Neptun system. In-person payments, bank transfers, or payments to a collective account are not permitted, and alternative payment methods cannot be accommodated. If you do not possess a bank card (credit or debit), we recommend arranging payment through a family member or friend who has a card. For third parties, such as employers, payments can be made by transferring the specified amount to the bank account indicated on the invoice.


**Recognition of Previous Courses:**  
For inquiries regarding the recognition of previous courses, please consult your education coordinator.


**Missed Login Deadline in Neptun:**  
If you have missed the login deadline, you may submit a deferred login request through the Neptun request handler (subject to a fee): Form Number 301. Upon approval, your educational coordinator will facilitate your enrollment.


**Missed Course Registration Deadline in Neptun:**  
If you missed the course registration deadline, you may submit a deferred course registration request through the Neptun request handler (subject to a fee per course): Form Number 101. If your request is approved, your educational coordinator will assist you with course registration.


**I have additional questions; who can I contact?**  
If you have further inquiries regarding your program or other related matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to your education coordinator or our central office at


We wish all our esteemed applicants and students a successful registration process and a productive first semester!