EU Visiting Student Programme


Kedves Hallgatók!

Az alábbi levélben tájékozódhatnak az Abertay University által indított EU Visting Student Programról.


Dear Colleagues,

As part of our efforts to achieve the objectives of Abertay University's new internationalisation strategy which aims to internationalise our student population and increase our engagement with universities around the globe, we are introducing the EU Visiting Student Programme. This programme replaces our previous EU Articulation Scheme and gives students from EU partner institutions more flexibility to study at Abertay for either a semester or the full year, while adhering to the funding guidelines set by the Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).

This is an overview of the programme, which will also be announced on our website shortly:

- EU students currently enrolled at an EU higher education institution are welcome to apply as EU Visiting Students for either one semester or the full year. The number of places available is limited and subject to change. This will be reviewed each year depending on availabilities.

- Students can pick and mix modules from any of our courses, subject to module prerequisites and timetable clashes. For a list of our courses, please see

- EU Visiting Students will receive an Abertay transcript so that their credits can be transferred to their home university, but will not be eligible to graduate with an Abertay degree.

Tuition fees are currently:

o Ł 910 per semester for undergraduate students
o Ł 425 per 15 credits (equivalent to 7.5 ECTS credits) for postgraduate students
(Fees are subject to change.)
- The Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) has clarified that they will not pay tuition fees for EU Visiting Students.

Application procedures:

- Students should apply using our EU Visiting Student application form which will be posted here shortly:
- On the application form, we ask students to provide a reference from the International Office at their home university.
- Students should also attach their current transcript of records and a copy of the picture page of their passport or National ID.

The application can be sent to us directly by post at this address:

International Office
Abertay University
Bell Street
United Kingdom

Deadlines (postmark date) are:

o 15 April for applications for Semester 1 and the full year 2015/16
o the deadline for Semester 2 applications will be announced in due course

- Decisions will be announced as soon as possible after the deadline.

Please note that different regulations apply to students wishing to articulate to Abertay University and graduate with an Abertay degree (including students applying from France with a DUT):

- Students will be required to apply via UCAS with advanced standing. More details on the application process can be found on the UCAS website:

- The deadline for UCAS applications is 15 January at 18:00 GMT. Applications received after the deadline can be considered depending on availability.

- Students will have to provide proof of English language proficiency according to our guidelines, which can be found at:

This will have to be provided before students enrol at Abertay. Please note that we also offer a preparatory English course for international students:

- We cannot guarantee that applications from students studying at partner universities will be successful, as UCAS applications have to be considered on the same basis as those from Scottish students with advanced standing.

- Students articulating to Abertay could be eligible to have their tuition fees paid by SAAS if they study at Abertay for the full year. Abertay University does not take responsibility for ensuring that SAAS pays students' tuition fees.Students are encouraged to check the SAAS website at as well as the guidelines provided in the document attached. Please note that SAAS has made us aware that ECTS credits achieved by students prior to enrolment at Abertay should not significantly exceed thethresholds specified in this document, i.e. students wishing to enter into Year 4 should not have achieved significantly more than 180 ECTS credits. If in doubt, please contact SAAS directly for clarification.

SAAS applications should only be made after students arrive at Abertay so that they can receive guidance on how to complete the applications.

We hope that these arrangements will provide your students with a range of options to study at Abertay University and experience life in Scotland.

Please contact us should you have any questions!

Kind regards from the Abertay International Office team,

Maria Law

Internationalisation Manager

Student Awards Agency for Scotland guidelines


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