Hungarian-Missouri Educational Partnership


HMEP Scholarship available now!

We would like to recruit applicants from PPKE students or alumni for the Hungarian-Missouri Educational Partnership (HMEP) scholarship program.

For the 2016/17 school year HMEP will be recruiting for Saint Louis University, Washington University and Webster University MBA courses.

The deadline for submitting application materials for the upcoming summer/fall semester has been extended to September 30.

Please note that the HMEP program is able to finance the study of two Hungarian students thus competition is expected to be fierce. We encourage you to submit a well prepared application in due time. Each of our participating U.S. universities prefers that the MBA candidates have some work experience preferably one-two years. This is not an absolute requirement but will make a difference in the selection process.

The process to screen and select two scholarship candidates is the following. Preliminary in-person interviews will be conducted in October. Applicants with a fair chance of success will be requested to submit their completed applications and related information in January 2016. Second interviews and screening of applicants will take place between February and March 2016. Final selection and notification of successful applicants is expected by March 2016 followed by their enrollment in May.

More information regarding applications and related material is available on the HMEIP website

You should submit your application directly with the HMEP, the PPKE conducts no pre-screening. However, if you need more information, please feel free to contact assistant dean Tihamer Toth (


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