Hungarian-Missouri Educational Partnership


HMEP Scholarship available now!

We would like to recruit applicants from PPKE students and/or alumni for the Hungarian-Missouri Educational Partnership (HMEP) scholarship program.

Please read the call underneath:

In its first decade, HMEP has helped over 30 Hungarian students in what truly is a life changing experience. Of the 26 who have graduated, the majority have returned to Hungary to pursue their careers and support Hungary as a nation. The experience of our students, our participating universities and our supporters has been extraordinary.

In 2018 we will have two openings for new applicants at Saint LouisUniversity (one year MBA). In order to get the word out to prospective applicants, we are contacting you to ask for your support now to identify candidates, and to promote and communicate our program to interested recent graduates and alumni. Your assistance in promoting the program is essential
in terms of finding qualified applicants. We encourage using your website, international development office, alumni groups and student government associations. All of these have worked well in the past.

Outlined below is our process to screen and select our next four scholarship candidates. Detailed information regarding applications and related material is on our website: <> .


July to August 30, 2017 Participating universities promote and communicate the HMEP program and scholarship
July to August 30, 2017 Interested candidates submit C.V. and application materials to HMEP via website or e-mail at

August-October 10, 2017 Preliminary interviews will be conducted with interested applicants
October 2017 Face to Face Interviews
October - December 2017 Additional interviews as needed
January 2018 Semi-Finalists notified
February 2018 GMAT/TOEFL Exams
March 2018 Final selection and notification of scholarship winners
March-May 2018 Visa, university applications and logistical arrangements
May 2018 Enrollment

I would like to stress the following:
• Each of our participating U.S. universities prefers that the MBA candidates have some work experience preferably 1-2 years. This is not an absolute requirement but will make a difference in the selection process. We will also consider less work experience when combined with good internship experience.
• Applicants should be encouraged to have all materials as complete as possible. The application form MUST be completed on or before August (latest September) 30. The more information we have early in the process facilitates selection.
• We will conduct interviews in-person and via Skype. We want to meet the applicants in person for the first interview."

Please note that the HMEP program is able to finance the study of two Hungarian students thus competition is expected to be fierce. We encourage you to submit a well prepared application in due time.

Please submit your application directly through the HMEP website as PPKE conducts no pre-screening. However if you need more information, please feel free to contact our assistant dean for international affairs, Tihamer Toth (

Best regards,

Office for Research and International Relations


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