BJARNE MELKEVIK: Standing Tall - Hommages a Varga Csaba


However, of all Csaba Varga's many achievements the one I admire the most is his

work as editor. Being one myself, I know from experience how difficult this job can be

and how it simply steals and consumes all your time—with no one even thanking you

for your efforts at the end! Csaba Varga's editorship can only be described as proli c and

rst-class and of foremost importance in his capacity.

As an international editor, he has completed by himself a vast collection of papers

on legal cultures, Marxism and law, as well as law in Europe. In collaboration with oth-

ers, he has edited publications on cultures in law, legal policy and validity, traditions in

law, as well as comparative law, legal philosophy, transitions and other subjects as well.


As a colleague and friend, and foremost as a collaborator in this fascinating inter-

twining between legal thought, legal philosophy and legal cultures, I have had numerous

opportunities to experience this commonly-held appreciation. Csaba himself, and his

works, have been a source of inspiration and knowledge to us all. We can only be grateful

to him for such a tremendous contribution to scholarly legal thought. Maybe, even more

than what has already been done, what matters is what is hopefully waiting for us. We

wish him good health in the years to come and that our colleague and friend in common

thinking will offer us even more papers and books to help us and others through these

intriguing puzzles or labyrinths, which indubitably are legal thinking, legal philosophy

and legal cultures. Stand Tall, Csaba.


Bjarne Melkevik


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